System.Net.Http Error After Visual Studio 15.8.1 (2017) Update

Today we started getting an error from three web applications.  Two were web services and one was an ASP.NET MVC website.  The error was:

Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’ or one of its dependencies. The located assembly’s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

The error was occurring on this standard line in the global.asax file:


Looking at the trace statements on the error page, there was a mention of a binding redirect, which I recall seeing in the web.config of the site.  That section in the web config looked like:

    <assemblybinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyidentity culture="neutral" publickeytoken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" name="System.Net.Http">
          <bindingredirect newversion="" oldversion="">

This config block had been in place since December, 2015.  The block seems to have been added by a NuGet package at the same time, possibly with a Framework version upgrade.

However it originally ended up there, removing the config block allowed the sites to launch again.  It’s unknown why this started happening after a Visual Studio upgrade.

Batch Applying MetaFLAC ReplayGain Tags To Recursive Album Folders

I’ve been ignoring PowerShell for a very long time, even though I know it is the future of scripting.  The structure of the language is very foreign, with all of the pipe options.  But I muddled through the examples I found online and came up with my first usable PowerShell script.

The purpose of the script is to iterate recursively through a folder structure and generate a command statement using all the files in each folder.  In this case, MetaFLAC is being called with arguments to apply ReplayGain tags to all the files in a folder.  To do this effectively, you have to pass all the file names in the folder on one command line.  This is so the overall album sound level can be calculated.

Without further introduction, here is the script:

     This script applies album-level and file-level 
     ReplayGain tags to FLAC album folders recursively

    Example usage from PS command line: 
     .\ReplayGain.ps1 -root:"c:\music\FLAC"

    MetaFLAC.exe must be in same folder or in environment PATH 

     #Fully-qualified path to top-level folder. 

Function CallMetaFLAC($d){ 
     Write-Host "Processing" ($d | Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.flac").length "files in" $d 
     if (($d | Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.flac").length -gt 0){ 
         $args="--add-replay-gain "

        foreach ($f in ($d | Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.flac" | % {$_.FullName}) ){ 
             $args=$args + """$f"" " 

        Start-Process "metaflac.exe" $args -Wait -NoNewWindow 

    # Process Subfolders 
     foreach($dd in $d | Get-ChildItem -Directory){ 
         CallMetaFLAC $dd 

Write-Host "Starting in $root" 

CallMetaFLAC $root

Write-Host "Ending"

SSRS Projects Fail To Load/Incompatible With Visual Studio 2017

Our team recently began having trouble working with SSRS reports in a VS2017 solution.  The problem began when I opened up the report solution and was prompted to upgrade the report project files.  If I didn’t upgrade them, I couldn’t use them.  The project files were upgraded, then no one else on the team could use them.

The problems varied from system to system.  Some of the errors said that the project was incompatible.  Some said there was an XML error.

There was a lot of comparing systems and troubleshooting.  Everyone was sure to have SQL Server Data Tools (15.3 Preview) installed.  Some uninstalled and reinstalled this component, but that probably was not a factor.

The two things that really mattered were that the VS Extension for Reporting Services was installed and that it was V1.2 (some had v1.15 and could not open projects until it was upgraded).  Those that uninstalled SQL Data Tools had this extension uninstalled automatically and also had to do a repair install on SQL Server Management Studio.


The other issue, was that (most likely) the rptproj.user files were incompatible with the 1.20 extension.  Deleting *.rptproj.user files allowed the projects to load.

Arrangeable FlowLayout Panel

I found this piece of code and when I ran it, I was surprised how usable it actually was.

At the time, I needed something that would allow me to sort an array of things by dragging and dropping.  The things I was working with were photos, but this class handles pretty much everything.

You can grab an item and drag it into a new position.  A caret shows you where the new position will be.  Even better, you can multi-select items and drag them to a new position.  When you need the new order, just iterate through the child controls.

I don’t actually have a use for it right now, but I need to save this so I have it for the future.

Public Class ArrangeableFlowLayoutPanel
    Inherits FlowLayoutPanel

    Protected mouseDownPoint As Point
    Protected insertCaret As PictureBox
    Protected isMultiSelectOn As Boolean
    Protected isRangeSelectOn As Boolean

    Public Property AllowReordering As Boolean = True
    Public Property CaretColor As Color = Color.Green
    Public Property CaretWidth As Integer = 3
    Public Property CaretPadding As Padding = New Padding(2, 0, 2, 0)
    Public Property SelectionColor As Brush = Brushes.Black
    Public Property SelectionWidth As Integer = 1
    Friend Property SelectedControls As New Generic.List(Of Control)
    Public Property DragTolerance As Integer = 40

    Public Event ItemOrderChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

    Public Sub New()
        Me.AllowDrop = True
        Me.AutoScroll = True


    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Key(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs)
        isMultiSelectOn = e.Control
        isRangeSelectOn = e.Shift
    End Sub

    Private Sub ArrangeableFlowLayoutPanel_ControlAdded(sender As Object, e As ControlEventArgs) Handles Me.ControlAdded
        AddHandler e.Control.MouseDown, AddressOf Item_MouseDown
        AddHandler e.Control.MouseUp, AddressOf Item_MouseUp
        AddHandler e.Control.MouseMove, AddressOf Item_MouseMove
        AddHandler e.Control.Paint, AddressOf Item_Paint

    End Sub

    Private Sub ArrangeableFlowLayoutPanel_ControlRemoved(sender As Object, e As ControlEventArgs) Handles Me.ControlRemoved
        RemoveHandler e.Control.MouseDown, AddressOf Item_MouseDown
        RemoveHandler e.Control.MouseUp, AddressOf Item_MouseUp
        RemoveHandler e.Control.MouseMove, AddressOf Item_MouseMove
        RemoveHandler e.Control.Paint, AddressOf Item_Paint

        If SelectedControls.Contains(e.Control) Then SelectedControls.Remove(e.Control)

    End Sub

    Private Sub ArrangeableFlowLayoutPanel_ParentChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.ParentChanged
        Dim f As Form

        f = Me.FindForm
        If f IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not f.KeyPreview Then f.KeyPreview = True

        RemoveHandler Me.FindForm.KeyDown, AddressOf Form_Key
        RemoveHandler Me.FindForm.KeyUp, AddressOf Form_Key

        AddHandler Me.FindForm.KeyDown, AddressOf Form_Key
        AddHandler Me.FindForm.KeyUp, AddressOf Form_Key
    End Sub

    Private Sub ArrangeableFlowLayoutPanel_Disposed(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Disposed

        RemoveHandler Me.FindForm.KeyDown, AddressOf Form_Key
        RemoveHandler Me.FindForm.KeyUp, AddressOf Form_Key

    End Sub

    Private Sub ArrangeableFlowLayoutPanel_DragDrop(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragDrop
        Dim dropIndex As Integer

        For i As Integer = 0 To SelectedControls.Count - 1
            dropIndex = Me.Controls.GetChildIndex(insertCaret)
            Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(SelectedControls(i), dropIndex + 1)

        RaiseEvent ItemOrderChanged(Me, New EventArgs)

    End Sub

    Private Sub ArrangeableFlowLayoutPanel_DragLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.DragLeave
        Dim topBorderY As Integer
        Dim bottomBorderY As Integer
        Dim mousePositionY As Integer
        Dim hostForm As Form


        hostForm = Me.FindForm
        topBorderY = hostForm.PointToClient(Me.Parent.PointToScreen(Me.Location)).Y
        bottomBorderY = Me.Height + topBorderY
        mousePositionY = hostForm.PointToClient(MousePosition).Y

        Do While mousePositionY >= bottomBorderY ' Below bottom of control
            If Me.VerticalScroll.Value <= Me.VerticalScroll.SmallChange + Me.VerticalScroll.Maximum Then
                Me.VerticalScroll.Value += Me.VerticalScroll.SmallChange
                Me.VerticalScroll.Value = Me.VerticalScroll.Maximum
            End If

            mousePositionY = hostForm.PointToClient(MousePosition).Y


        Do While mousePositionY <= topBorderY ' Above top of control
            If Me.VerticalScroll.Value >= Me.VerticalScroll.SmallChange - Me.VerticalScroll.Minimum Then
                Me.VerticalScroll.Value -= Me.VerticalScroll.SmallChange
                Me.VerticalScroll.Value = Me.VerticalScroll.Minimum
            End If

            mousePositionY = hostForm.PointToClient(MousePosition).Y


    End Sub

    Private Sub ArrangeableFlowLayoutPanel_DragOver(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragOver
        Dim ctl As Control
        Dim dropControlPosition As Point
        Dim dropIndex As Integer

        If e.Data IsNot Nothing Then
            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
            ctl = Me.GetChildAtPoint(Me.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y)))

            If ctl IsNot Nothing AndAlso ctl IsNot insertCaret Then
                dropControlPosition = ctl.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y))

                If dropControlPosition.X <= ctl.Width \ 2 Then
                    dropIndex = Me.Controls.GetChildIndex(ctl) - 1
                    dropIndex = Me.Controls.GetChildIndex(ctl) + 1
                End If

                If dropIndex < 0 Then dropIndex = 0

                If Not Me.Controls.Contains(insertCaret) Then
                    insertCaret.Height = ctl.Height
                End If

                Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(insertCaret, dropIndex)

            End If

        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Item_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
        If e.Button = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
            mouseDownPoint = e.Location
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Item_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
        Dim ctl As Control
        Dim startIndex As Integer
        Dim endIndex As Integer
        Dim newCtl As Control

        If e.Button = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
            ctl = DirectCast(sender, Control)

            ' Choosing individual items or the first of a range
            If isMultiSelectOn OrElse (isRangeSelectOn And SelectedControls.Count = 0) Then
                If SelectedControls.Contains(ctl) Then
                End If


                ' Choosing the end of a range
            ElseIf isRangeSelectOn Then
                startIndex = Me.Controls.GetChildIndex(SelectedControls(SelectedControls.Count - 1))
                endIndex = Me.Controls.GetChildIndex(ctl)

                For i As Integer = startIndex To endIndex Step CInt(IIf(startIndex < endIndex, 1, -1))
                    newCtl = DirectCast(Me.Controls(i), Control)

                    If Not SelectedControls.Contains(newCtl) Then
                    End If


                For Each c As Control In Me.Controls

            End If ' single or multi-select

        End If ' Left button only

    End Sub

    Private Sub Item_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
        Dim ctl As Control
        Dim rect As Rectangle
        Dim rectPoint As Point

        If AllowReordering AndAlso e.Button = System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
            ctl = DirectCast(sender, Control)

            ' create a range before dragging activates
            rectPoint = New Point(mouseDownPoint.X, mouseDownPoint.Y)
            rectPoint.Offset(0 - (Me.DragTolerance \ 2), 0 - (Me.DragTolerance \ 2))

            rect = New Rectangle(rectPoint, New Size(Me.DragTolerance, Me.DragTolerance))

            ' See if we've dragged outside the tolerance area
            If Not rect.Contains(e.Location) Then

                ' dragged item is not in selection, include it if ctrl is held
                ' otherwise, clear the selection and only use the dragged item
                If Not SelectedControls.Contains(ctl) Then
                    If isMultiSelectOn Then

                        For Each c As Control In Me.Controls

                    End If ' Ctrl held down

                End If ' Not in current selection

                Me.DoDragDrop(SelectedControls, DragDropEffects.Move)

            End If ' Outside drag buffer area

        End If ' mouse button down

    End Sub

    Private Sub Item_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs)
        Dim ctl As Control

        ctl = DirectCast(sender, Control)

        If SelectedControls.Contains(ctl) Then
            ' Draw outline
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Me.SelectionColor, Me.SelectionWidth), Me.SelectionWidth \ 2, Me.SelectionWidth \ 2, ctl.Width - Me.SelectionWidth, ctl.Height - Me.SelectionWidth)
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateCaret()
        insertCaret = New PictureBox
        With insertCaret
            .Name = "caret"
            .Height = 1
            .Width = CaretWidth
            .Margin = CaretPadding
            .Padding = New Padding(0)
            .BackColor = Me.CaretColor
        End With

    End Sub

End Class

VS2015 Hangs/Freezes When Adding MVC Controller or View

This issue came to me today at work where two devs said they couldn’t add a new view to a project.  I repro’d it right away and began investigating.

The problem was isolated to one project in the solution.  I compared references between projects and compared the underlying project files.  Each change that I made to bring them closer into alignment didn’t help.

As said many times, the trick to successful debugging is isolation.  So I unloaded every project except for the web project being tested.  The Add dialogs loaded immediately.  So at this point, I had a workaround.  The projects referenced by the web project (only one) could be unloaded when a new view or controller was needed.

Although this was a workaround, it’s hardly a solution.  I continued down that path of figuring out why the MVC Add dialogs were causing VS to hang.

At one point, I was researching online and I noticed that the Add Controller dialog did appear.  It took over 5 minutes to get to that point, but it did show.  So I tried the Add View dialog and it eventually did show as well.  The dropdown list for model classes was populated with every class from the referenced project.  That might have been the cause of the slowdown.

Something about the dialog struck me funny.  They were different between the two projects.  This suggested to me that they were using different libraries.  I loaded up the NuGet package manager between the two projects and saw the functional project used Razor v2.0, but the failing project used v3.2.3.

I downgraded the failing project to Razor 2.0.  This caused a new problem.  I no longer had context menu options to directly add controllers or views.  Fortunately, I knew where to go for this fix.

In the project file is a node called ProjectTypeGuid, which tells VS what menu options to provide.  I could see the non-working project was missing one of  the guids.  I quick copy between the projects restored the context menu options.

TFS 2012 Fails To Create New Team Project

Today, I went to add a new team project to TFS.  I did the usual steps by giving it a name and choosing the template type (not really relevant to me since I’m a solo programmer).  Visual Studio worked for a bit, then failed with the following error in the log file:

Event Description: TF30162: Task "LinkTypes" from Group "WorkItemTracking" failed
Exception Type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.PcwException
Exception Message: Page not found.

The Internet had plenty of advice to resolve TF30162 errors, but nothing useful for the specific LinkTypes error.  The only suggestion was to reload the project templates.  I was not able to do that because in TFS 2012, those templates are locked and unable to be uploaded and overwritten.

So I attempted a Repair install of TFS 2012.  That had no effect

I then made sure I was on the latest version of TFS, so I installed Update 4.  My scrum project template went from 2.0 to 2.2, but I still got the exact same error.

I then tried to create a new Project Collection and create a team project in that.  Still, no change.

Then I did a repair install on Visual Studio 2015.  This took a very long time and required two restarts.  And after that, no improvement.

So far, I’ve eliminated the TFS binaries, the TFS database, and the VS binaries.  There’s only one element left – IIS.  And that one seems to have potential because of the PageNotFound error.

Poking around the IIS log files, there’s entries in there like this:

2017-01-09 14:27:23 ::1 GET /tfs/_apis/connectionData connectOptions=IncludeServices&lastChangeId=-1&lastChangeId64=-1 8080 MicrosoftAccount\ ::1 VSServices/14.98.25331.0+(devenv.exe+,Pro,+SKU:31) – 404 0 0 1719

Looking at IIS log files prior to when my problem happened,  this 404 error has happened before, too.  but there was also other calls to the service like:

2016-03-25 12:43:46 ::1 OPTIONS /tfs/defaultcollection/_apis/ – 8080 MicrosoftAccount\ ::1 Team+Foundation+(devenv.exe,+14.0.24712.0,+Pro,+SKU:31)+VSServices/14.0.24712.0+(devenv.exe+,Pro,+SKU:31) – 404 0 0 8

Two suspects come up in Internet searches: Git and IIS plugins.  Disabling some of the plugins in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 11.0\Application Tier\Web Services\bin\Plugins made no difference.

At this point, I suspect an incompatibility between VS2015 and TFS 2012, so I upgrade my TFS install to 2015.  What else could it be?  A call is being made to a REST service that doesn’t exist, or is different enough that the inbound parameters don’t match up.  This TFS upgrade requires SQLExpress to be upgraded as well.  The rabbit hole keeps going deeper and deeper.

After that entire install and restart, I was finally able to create a new Team Project.  The new default project template is “Agile”, not that I care much.

So, the short solution for my error: Upgrade TFS from 2012 to 2015.  It must’ve become incompatible after a VS update somewhere along the way.

Yahoo Security Is Still A Joke

Today I got an email from Yahoo.  You know, they’ve been having some security issues lately with millions of accounts being compromised.

The email said they noticed I hadn’t changed my password in a while.  That was kind of odd since I thought I got this email not long ago and humored them by changing my password.  I don’t use Yahoo for anything important anymore, so I didn’t really care.


When I looked at where the email was sent to, it was sent to a non-yahoo email address.  It was sent to an email address I used to log in to Facebook.  Putting it together, this was an account I used to log in to Flickr using the Facebook account login option.  It’s been a while since Yahoo gave the middle finger to external logins because they didn’t want to support them anymore.  But that doesn’t mean they cleared all that data out.

So let’s get this right.  I used to log in to Flickr using a Facebook login.  Yahoo discontinued Facebook login ability.  I can’t remember if I converted to a Yahoo account or abandoned it, but regardless, there is an account in Yahoo’s system that has a Facebook email in it.  I can’t find that email anywhere in my password manager.  Even if I did, there’s no Yahoo password for me to change.  It’s a Facebook login.

I used to be pretty neutral on Yahoo.  I didn’t care one way or the other about them.  That’s changed.  I really want them to close up shop.  They are not doing the world any favors with their lack of security and perpetually changing services.

Handling JPEG XR (HD Photos/Windows Media Photos)

I recently found some images on the internet in a format that I couldn’t directly support in my applications.  The images were in JPEG XR, with a .jxr extension.  These images would fail with a “The parameter is incorrect” error when loading the byte array into a System.Drawing.Bitmap (using Image.FromStream).

A little bit of research showed that the standard Drawing classes wouldn’t support this format.  I would need to use classes from the WPF library.  I added references to PresentationCore and WindowsBase, then wrote this function to convert the bytes of a JXR image to a standard bitmap:

    Private Function JXRToBitmap(bytes() As Byte) As Bitmap
        Dim s As IO.MemoryStream
        Dim dec As Windows.Media.Imaging.WmpBitmapDecoder
        Dim enc As Windows.Media.Imaging.BmpBitmapEncoder
        Dim bmp As Bitmap

        s = New IO.MemoryStream
        dec = New Windows.Media.Imaging.WmpBitmapDecoder(New IO.MemoryStream(bytes), Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapCreateOptions.None, Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapCacheOption.Default)
        enc = New Windows.Media.Imaging.BmpBitmapEncoder


        bmp = New Bitmap(s)


        Return bmp

    End Function

Since I didn’t know in advance what the file format was, the best I could do was attempt to load the bitmap and if it threw an exception, I would try to load it again using this function in the Catch block.  If that failed, then it would be a true exception.

The Minimum For Integration Logins

When you want to have your site support login from other services like Google, Facebook, or Microsoft, you use the Owin libraries.  The base MVC template sets all this up for you, but it also has a lot of stuff that your site probably already has, like login and a user database and whatnot.

So, what’s the minimum amount of code you need to add to handle the extra login sources.  You need two things: a class to initialize Owin and an MVC controller to handle the login redirect and the login response from the external site.

This is the class to initialize Owin:

Imports Microsoft.Owin
Imports Microsoft.Owin.Security
Imports Owin.Security.Providers

' Nuget Packages needed:
' Owin
' Microsoft.Owin
' Microsoft.Owin.Security
' Microsoft.Owin.Security.Coookies
' Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
' Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook (for FB Login)
' Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google (for Google Login)
' Microsoft.Owin.Security.MicrosoftAccount (for MS Login)
' Owin.Security.Providers (for many other Logins)

<Assembly: Microsoft.Owin.OwinStartup(GetType(Startup))>
Public Class Startup
    Public Sub Configuration(app As Owin.IAppBuilder)
        Dim opt As Cookies.CookieAuthenticationOptions

        opt = New Cookies.CookieAuthenticationOptions With {.LoginPath = New PathString("/Account/Login")}

        Owin.CookieAuthenticationExtensions.UseCookieAuthentication(app, opt)
        AppBuilderSecurityExtensions.SetDefaultSignInAsAuthenticationType(app, opt.AuthenticationType)

        ' Google - Signup
        Owin.GoogleAuthenticationExtensions.UseGoogleAuthentication(app, New Google.GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions With {.ClientId = "", .ClientSecret = ""})

        ' Facebook - Signup
        Owin.FacebookAuthenticationExtensions.UseFacebookAuthentication(app, New Facebook.FacebookAuthenticationOptions With {.AppId = "", .AppSecret = ""})

        ' Microsoft - Signup (RedirectURL in app settings must be 
        Owin.MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationExtensions.UseMicrosoftAccountAuthentication(app, New MicrosoftAccount.MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationOptions With {.ClientId = "", .ClientSecret = ""})

        ' Yahoo - Signup (not working; 401 errors) 
        Yahoo.YahooAuthenticationExtensions.UseYahooAuthentication(app, New Yahoo.YahooAuthenticationOptions With {.ConsumerKey = "", .ConsumerSecret = ""})

        ' Flickr - Signup
        Flickr.FlickrAuthenticationExtensions.UseFlickrAuthentication(app, New Flickr.FlickrAuthenticationOptions With {.AppKey = "", .AppSecret = ""})

    End Sub

End Class

And this is the controller class to manage the logins:

Imports System.Web.Mvc

Namespace Controllers
    Public Class OwinController
        Inherits Controller

        Function Login(provider As String, returnURL As String) As ActionResult
            Return New ChallengeResult(provider, Url.Action("Callback", "Owin", New With {.ReturnURL = returnURL}))
        End Function

        Function Callback(returnURL As String)
            Dim userID As String
            Dim email As String

            ' capture credentials
            With DirectCast(My.User.CurrentPrincipal.Identity, Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity)
                userID = .Claims.Where(Function(x) x.Type.EndsWith("/nameidentifier")).DefaultIfEmpty(New Security.Claims.Claim("", "")).First.Value
                email = .Claims.Where(Function(x) x.Type.EndsWith("/emailaddress")).DefaultIfEmpty(New Security.Claims.Claim("", "")).First.Value
            End With


            Return New RedirectResult(returnURL)

        End Function

        Private Class ChallengeResult
            Inherits HttpUnauthorizedResult

            Public Property LoginProvider As String
            Public Property RedirectURL As String

            Public Sub New(provider As String, url As String)
                Me.LoginProvider = provider
                Me.RedirectURL = url
            End Sub

            Public Overrides Sub ExecuteResult(context As ControllerContext)
                Dim prop As New Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationProperties With {.RedirectUri = Me.RedirectURL}
                context.HttpContext.GetOwinContext.Authentication.Challenge(prop, Me.LoginProvider)
            End Sub

        End Class

    End Class

End Namespace

The Callback method in the OwinController is where you would look up the user by their provider/nameidentifier combination or store that info in an existing logged-in user profile or create a new user profile for the new login.

When you want to offer external logins, you call the Owin controller:

@Html.ActionLink("Google Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Google", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Facebook Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Facebook", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Yahoo Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Yahoo", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Flickr Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Flickr", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Microsoft Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Microsoft", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)

This assumes there is an action named “Secure” that you want to come back to.

Outlook Rules Utility

Way back in 2013, I was getting annoyed with the rules manager in Outlook.  See, I have many rules.  I have one folder for every person in my inbox.  The rules move their messages to their respective folders.  So at work, I have 67 rules.  At home, I have 267 rules.  I like to keep my rules sorted, so I can find one quickly if I need to.  So if I add a rule for, I have to click the “move down” arrow hundreds of times to get to the bottom of the list.  There has to be a better way.

I focused on the rules export, which creates a binary file of all your rules.  I just had to reverse-engineer the file structure and I could create an app to modify the order of the rules.  Over a span of time, I figured out what I needed and the results were somewhat workable.  I uploaded the source code to CodePlex and didn’t really use it much after that.

Two and a half years later, I was annoyed at my rules again and fired up this code to fix my rules.  I discovered the code didn’t work like I expected, so I set to work fixing the problems.  Once it was working properly, I decided that the CodePlex project deserved to have a binary for download.  It wasn’t doing a lot of good to people who weren’t programmers and who could compile the code on their own.

After that update, I did a quick search to see if anything new had been learned about the Outlook rules file since I last worked on it.  Nothing.  But what I did stumble on was a post asking how to parse the rules file.  In the post, the author explained where the rules file was stored in the mail store file.  Taking that information, I was able to add the ability for my utility to read and write the rules directly from Outlook.  No more export/import hassle!  That is a huge step forward.

This unexpected progress has inspired me to work a little harder on the project.  There are random bits of code and comments that handle the different criteria and the different actions.  These need to be clarified and once that is done, this utility could be an entire replacement for the Rules Manager in Outlook.

The project is at