Here’s another little snip of code I couldn’t find online when I needed it. Geez, when I became a programmer, I wasn’t thinking I’d have to actually figure things out on my own. That’s a lot of work.
Anyway, the problem I faced was when I had a Listview control on a form and I changed views from anything to List view, the columns of the items were really small, so I’d get ellipses’ after all the entries. Sure, I could just set the column with to some obnoxious amount like 500, but that’s a waste of space. So after searching and seeing a bunch of postings about using a Win32 API call to autoresize the column, then getting disappointed because it was for VB 4/5/6, I just hacked through it.
The Details view has an autosize feature, but apparently they didn’t extend it to the List view. But we can still make use of it. Why not switch to detail, set the autosize of column 0 to true, then measure how wide it makes the column, then use that as the column width in List view? That’s a dumb idea. Who would do something like that. Oh, what do you know, it works.
Dim maxSize As Integer lstItems.View = View.Details lstItems.Columns(0).AutoResize(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent) maxSize = lstItems.Columns(0).Width lstItems.View = View.List lstItems.Columns(0).Width = maxSize lstItems.Refresh()