The Minimum For Integration Logins

When you want to have your site support login from other services like Google, Facebook, or Microsoft, you use the Owin libraries.  The base MVC template sets all this up for you, but it also has a lot of stuff that your site probably already has, like login and a user database and whatnot.

So, what’s the minimum amount of code you need to add to handle the extra login sources.  You need two things: a class to initialize Owin and an MVC controller to handle the login redirect and the login response from the external site.

This is the class to initialize Owin:

Imports Microsoft.Owin
Imports Microsoft.Owin.Security
Imports Owin.Security.Providers

' Nuget Packages needed:
' Owin
' Microsoft.Owin
' Microsoft.Owin.Security
' Microsoft.Owin.Security.Coookies
' Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
' Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook (for FB Login)
' Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google (for Google Login)
' Microsoft.Owin.Security.MicrosoftAccount (for MS Login)
' Owin.Security.Providers (for many other Logins)

<Assembly: Microsoft.Owin.OwinStartup(GetType(Startup))>
Public Class Startup
    Public Sub Configuration(app As Owin.IAppBuilder)
        Dim opt As Cookies.CookieAuthenticationOptions

        opt = New Cookies.CookieAuthenticationOptions With {.LoginPath = New PathString("/Account/Login")}

        Owin.CookieAuthenticationExtensions.UseCookieAuthentication(app, opt)
        AppBuilderSecurityExtensions.SetDefaultSignInAsAuthenticationType(app, opt.AuthenticationType)

        ' Google - Signup
        Owin.GoogleAuthenticationExtensions.UseGoogleAuthentication(app, New Google.GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions With {.ClientId = "", .ClientSecret = ""})

        ' Facebook - Signup
        Owin.FacebookAuthenticationExtensions.UseFacebookAuthentication(app, New Facebook.FacebookAuthenticationOptions With {.AppId = "", .AppSecret = ""})

        ' Microsoft - Signup (RedirectURL in app settings must be 
        Owin.MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationExtensions.UseMicrosoftAccountAuthentication(app, New MicrosoftAccount.MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationOptions With {.ClientId = "", .ClientSecret = ""})

        ' Yahoo - Signup (not working; 401 errors) 
        Yahoo.YahooAuthenticationExtensions.UseYahooAuthentication(app, New Yahoo.YahooAuthenticationOptions With {.ConsumerKey = "", .ConsumerSecret = ""})

        ' Flickr - Signup
        Flickr.FlickrAuthenticationExtensions.UseFlickrAuthentication(app, New Flickr.FlickrAuthenticationOptions With {.AppKey = "", .AppSecret = ""})

    End Sub

End Class

And this is the controller class to manage the logins:

Imports System.Web.Mvc

Namespace Controllers
    Public Class OwinController
        Inherits Controller

        Function Login(provider As String, returnURL As String) As ActionResult
            Return New ChallengeResult(provider, Url.Action("Callback", "Owin", New With {.ReturnURL = returnURL}))
        End Function

        Function Callback(returnURL As String)
            Dim userID As String
            Dim email As String

            ' capture credentials
            With DirectCast(My.User.CurrentPrincipal.Identity, Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity)
                userID = .Claims.Where(Function(x) x.Type.EndsWith("/nameidentifier")).DefaultIfEmpty(New Security.Claims.Claim("", "")).First.Value
                email = .Claims.Where(Function(x) x.Type.EndsWith("/emailaddress")).DefaultIfEmpty(New Security.Claims.Claim("", "")).First.Value
            End With


            Return New RedirectResult(returnURL)

        End Function

        Private Class ChallengeResult
            Inherits HttpUnauthorizedResult

            Public Property LoginProvider As String
            Public Property RedirectURL As String

            Public Sub New(provider As String, url As String)
                Me.LoginProvider = provider
                Me.RedirectURL = url
            End Sub

            Public Overrides Sub ExecuteResult(context As ControllerContext)
                Dim prop As New Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationProperties With {.RedirectUri = Me.RedirectURL}
                context.HttpContext.GetOwinContext.Authentication.Challenge(prop, Me.LoginProvider)
            End Sub

        End Class

    End Class

End Namespace

The Callback method in the OwinController is where you would look up the user by their provider/nameidentifier combination or store that info in an existing logged-in user profile or create a new user profile for the new login.

When you want to offer external logins, you call the Owin controller:

@Html.ActionLink("Google Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Google", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Facebook Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Facebook", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Yahoo Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Yahoo", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Flickr Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Flickr", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)
<br />
@Html.ActionLink("Microsoft Login", "Login", "Owin", New With {.Provider = "Microsoft", .ReturnURL = Url.Action("Secure")}, Nothing)

This assumes there is an action named “Secure” that you want to come back to.