Yahoo Security Is Still A Joke

Today I got an email from Yahoo.  You know, they’ve been having some security issues lately with millions of accounts being compromised.

The email said they noticed I hadn’t changed my password in a while.  That was kind of odd since I thought I got this email not long ago and humored them by changing my password.  I don’t use Yahoo for anything important anymore, so I didn’t really care.


When I looked at where the email was sent to, it was sent to a non-yahoo email address.  It was sent to an email address I used to log in to Facebook.  Putting it together, this was an account I used to log in to Flickr using the Facebook account login option.  It’s been a while since Yahoo gave the middle finger to external logins because they didn’t want to support them anymore.  But that doesn’t mean they cleared all that data out.

So let’s get this right.  I used to log in to Flickr using a Facebook login.  Yahoo discontinued Facebook login ability.  I can’t remember if I converted to a Yahoo account or abandoned it, but regardless, there is an account in Yahoo’s system that has a Facebook email in it.  I can’t find that email anywhere in my password manager.  Even if I did, there’s no Yahoo password for me to change.  It’s a Facebook login.

I used to be pretty neutral on Yahoo.  I didn’t care one way or the other about them.  That’s changed.  I really want them to close up shop.  They are not doing the world any favors with their lack of security and perpetually changing services.