adsutil.vbs Error 462

While trying to create a script to stop and start web sites on multiple servers, I got an error on 3 of the four servers:

The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
ErrNumber: 462 (0x1CE)
Error trying to open the object: w3svc/8


After a lot of hunting around, I discovered that the problem was that the Windows Firewall was turned on.


I changed the Domain Profile to have the firewall disabled and left the others enabled.


Running the script again, I was able to connect to the remote computer and stop the web site.


Spam Gallery–Tutoring Materials

The Spam Gallery is a series of posts that give examples of spam messages, explaining telltales signs of how they are spam.


This message loses all credibility through misspellings.  In addition, the email address is totally different from the sender’s name (Stacy).  Finally, although the email is addressed to “co-workers”, this email is only sent to one person.

Spam Gallery–Tax Draw Payment

The Spam Gallery is a series of posts that give examples of spam messages, explaining telltales signs of how they are spam.


Tax time in America, a time of windfall payments to countless people.  Some people see it as their yearly bonus, although it’s actually your own money being returned to you.  So it’s no wonder that a scammer would try to take advantage of this.

The biggest flaw of this email is the use of the term “Tax Draw”, which has no meaning in the U.S.  Other things of note would be:

  • A dollar amount that is ridiculous.  The only thing that this could hope to gain is curiosity.
  • A document that is a ZIP file, not a normal document format.
  • No personal details: no name, account number, contact information.  Not even a thank you.
  • Bare-bones instructions with poor grammar.

If an email isn’t personal, it isn’t for you.  It’s very safe to just ignore it.

Spam Gallery–Your Order For Helicopter

The Spam Gallery is a series of posts that give examples of spam messages, explaining telltales signs of how they are spam.


This spam message is just pretty humorous.  Here’s the things I can see wrong:

  • Poor grammar for a business email.
  • Times in 12hr and 24hr format
  • Currency incorrectly formatted
  • Email address of sender inconsistent with name
  • “Single choice” link in email
  • No contact information of company
  • No personalized greeting or other identifying information.

The email may pique curiosity, so that you want to click the link to see what the total cost of renting a helicopter would be.  Think of someone approaching you on the street and saying, “Wanna see a dead body?”

Spam Gallery – Manager

The Spam Gallery is a series of posts that give examples of spam messages, explaining telltales signs of how they are spam.


This email is clearly spam.  The numerous spelling and grammar errors throughout should be enough to discredit it completely.  Some of the mistakes are strange and humorous.  “Up to 50,000 USD per annum”, after which I guess your pay simply stops?  “Vacant educational training”? “PayPal Manager”?

This spam falls under a similar type as online dating scams, where you voluntarily give information to the scammers.  If you send your resume to this email address, they have quite a good leg up on stealing your identity.  If they want more, they can simply say that you are hired and ask for your SSN and banking information for payroll.  Then what?

This email has no contact information.  There is a name, which is unverifiable.  There is a company name, which doesn’t match the domain of the email address ( is a free email host).  There is no address, website, or phone number.  This is just like other “single choice” emails, where you can only do one thing in the email, and that is exactly what the spammer wants.

Beware of too-good-to-be-true offers.  If this was a job offer, wouldn’t you want to research the company first?  There’s no links to the company website.

Spam Gallery–Reward Notification

The Spam Gallery is a series of posts that give examples of spam messages, explaining telltales signs of how they are spam.


This piece of mail has an interesting trait of being a forgery of another spam service.  Gift Certificate is probably a legitimate business, but assuredly is one that should not exist.  In any case, this email is using their email template to get you to click the links and get infected.

The email uses the first part of the email address (JSmith, jane.doe) to give it legitimacy, but a real email from a real company would use your real name.  They would have that in their database.  The other clue is that the links all direct to, which has nothing to do with gift certificates, rewards, or anything else.

One thing that is interesting though, is t the spammers actually purchased a valid domain name and hosting services to host their infection files.  Usually, the files would be hosted on a hacked legitimate website in a hidden folder so the spammers wouldn’t have to pay anything.

Always check the link addresses, and don’t  assume you’re getting something for free.  That’s not the way the world works.

Staying On The Correct Path

In a current task where I had to consolidate the structure of a website and organize the files better, I ran across this interesting quirk.  When developing, we work in a virtual directory on our local machine, while on a real server, it runs in the root directory.  This poses problems whenever we want to use relative paths to images, style sheets, etc.

The key to fixing this is the VirtualPathUtility, which has the logic in it to determine the root of the web application and return a proper path.  I thought it would be easy to just use this object right in the markup like:

<head runat="server">
    <link id="cssLinkOutside" href='<%=System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/StyleSheet.css")%>' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

That didn’t work.  The rendered HTML turned out to be:

<link id="cssLinkOutside" href="&lt;%=System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(&quot;~/StyleSheet.css&quot;)%>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Pretty literal.  The cause of this odd behavior is that the HEAD tag is set to runat=”server”.  If that piece is taken out, the embedded code works well.  So if you need the HEAD to be a server control – like when using themes – then what?  You can add code in the code-behind to do an attributes.add() on the LINK tag.  But having to add code in two places for such a simple need is just too much, especially when I was looking at updating a couple dozen pages.

The workaround is kind of surprising: Wrap the tag that contains dynamic code in a placeholder.

<head runat="server">
    <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" id="holder">
        <link id="cssLinkInside" href='<%=System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/StyleSheet.css")%>' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

This renders the tag properly:

<link id="cssLinkInside" href='/WebTestbed/StyleSheet.css' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Spam Gallery–Your Credit Card Is Blocked

The Spam Gallery is a series of posts that give examples of spam messages, explaining telltales signs of how they are spam.


Another simple piece of spam.  This email has a single link to do its work, and like all others, takes you to a site that is not VISA.  Understand that VISA itself doesn’t not manage credit cards, banks do.  You would get a notice from the bank that handles your VISA card, and that would be a phone call, not an email.  So, what wrong with this email?

  • No personal details like name, “account ending in xxxx”, etc.
  • No one says a credit card is “blocked”.
  • Poor grammar throughout
  • The spammer lives in an area where periods and commas are reversed, like Eastern Europe ($1.345,50=$1,345.50)
  • No logos or other disclaimers like you would find in a company email.  Light purple is not a typical highlight color.
  • VISA doesn’t manage credit card transactions, banks do.

I can’t even give a closing recommendation for this.  There’s no reason to click the link out of curiosity or misplaced urgency.  The poor grammar in the message should be enough to convince you the email is fake.

Spam Gallery–Scan from a Xerox

The Spam Gallery is a series of posts that give examples of spam messages, explaining telltales signs of how they are spam.


This email is humorous to me because I used to work with someone named Magaly and I thought it was a pretty unique name. But some of the standout features of this email are:

  • The FROM address is from my domain, which is a personal domain.  In a corporate environment, this could be convincing, since “officejet” is the name of a print server.
  • The subject says the email has been forwarded twice, but the body of the email shows no headers from previous recipients
  • The email was sent at midnight.
  • The “document” is not attached, but is linked.  This is backwards of the spam that had the ZIP file attachment, where you would expect it to be a link.  in this case, you would expect it to be attached, since the print server is usually a small network device, not a file server.

In a corporate environment, this email could be convincing.  You may not know what printers/scanners are available, nor who would be sending files like this.  The best clues to spot this as spam are the “fwd” tags in the subject.

Spam Gallery–United Postal Service Tracking

The Spam Gallery is a series of posts that give examples of spam messages, explaining telltales signs of how they are spam.


After all my posts about emails simply looking suspicious, then comes one that is all wrapped up in someone else’s template.  Let’s look at what they did right:

  • They used a complete template from a UPS email, which makes it look authentic.
  • They left most of the links in the email untouched, so if you clicked the UPS logo, you would go to the UPS home page.  The only malicious link is the “Track your Shipment now!” link
  • They included the first part of my email address in their greeting for personalization.

But they still got plenty wrong, including:

  • The FROM address is from my email, except using,  not from
  • The subject line uses the name “United Postal Service”, not “United Parcel Service”.  Things get weirder in the email footer, where “United Parcel Service” is used, but references are also made to “” and “USPS Team”.
  • They use the phrase “With Respect To You”.  Foreign spammers must think American companies are very personal and proper.  They are not.

When you receive an email like this, ask yourself: how did they get my email address?